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Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Math Topics

Measurement Wrap Up

We are finishing up our measurement unit before the March break. The test for this section will be on Friday March 11.
Find the volume of the prism. How many centicubes make the shape?
Grade 5 students must know how to calculate volume of prisms, create prisms when given the volume and solve problems involving volume.

Find the surface area of the prism. Remember there are top&bottom, front&back, left&right sides!
Grade 6 students must know how to calculate both volume and surface area of prisms and solve problems involving surface area and volume.

New Math Topic For After the Break
Grade 5 Families

      Over the next two weeks, your child will be studying geometry, a very important strand of mathematics. Your child will have many opportunities to explore geometric concepts using concrete materials, to think about the design of objects in the world around us, and to create designs. At this time, the focus will be on two-dimensional shapes. We will be exploring three-dimensional shapes later this year. Throughout this time, you and your child can explore geometric ideas together through activities such as the following: 

     • Your child might look for objects that contain various angles or triangles, or objects that are shaped like regular polygons or irregular polygons. 

     • Your child might go around the house looking for shapes, and use a protractor to measure the angles in these various shapes. 

     • Your child might look through magazines to find pictures with polygon designs on them and then classify the polygons. Your help may be needed to point your child in the right direction in terms of where to look for these pictures. 

     • Your child might draw his or her own designs and learn to write instructions so that another person can duplicate the drawing. You might help by reading through the instructions, or following the instruction yourself, then comparing it with original drawing to find out where the weak points are in the communication. 

You may want to visit and follow the links to Nelson Mathematics 5, Chapter 7, for more suggestions to help your child learn mathematics and for books that relate children’s literature to 2-D geometry. Also check the Web site for links to other sites that provide online tutorials, math problems, and brainteasers.

Grade 6 Families

     Over the next two weeks, your child will be studying 2-D geometry, or two-dimensional shapes. Later in the year he or she will also be exploring 3-D or three-dimensional shapes. During the next two weeks, your child will have many opportunities to explore geometric concepts and properties of 2-D shapes using concrete materials. These shapes include triangles, rectangles, squares, parallelograms, pentagons, hexagons, and other polygons (many-sided shapes). He or she will be asked to make hypotheses about the properties of these shapes and test them. Throughout this time, you and your child may engage in activities such as: 

     • Look for objects that have 90º, 60º, 45º, and 30º angles and for surfaces that have three and more sides. Try to find surfaces with sides that are equal and others in which the sides are unequal, and others which have combinations of both. 

     • Have your child measure the angles and side lengths with a protractor and ruler. Ask him or her to draw scale models of these objects and surfaces, and to join opposite vertices on each model with diagonal lines. Ask them to identify the lines of symmetry on each shape and draw them in colour. 

     • Have your child look through various print media to find pictures with polygons and identify the polygons by name. Home decorating, renovation, design, and style or fashion magazines are usually good places to find polygons. 

     • Ask your child to make an hypothesis about the properties of each polygon, and then set about testing it. 

You may want to visit and follow the links to Nelson Mathematics 6, Chapter 7, for more suggestions to help your child learn mathematics and for books that relate children’s literature to 2-D geometry. Also, check the Web site for links to other sites that provide online tutorials, math problems, and brainteasers.

From Nelson Math Family Newsletter

Friday, 11 September 2015

Infographic Design

Infographics are a form of media text to express information in a quick, visual manner.  We have been researching the characteristics of infographics and the students are in the process of creating infographics about themselves.  We were lucky to have our computer period in our beautiful new library.  Check out the pictures of our class hard at work!

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Welcome Back Letter

A great start to the first few days of school!  The class has talked about expectations throughout the school year to allow everyone to work to their best potential.  Click here to see a copy of the expectations that we discussed in class.

Monday, 20 July 2015

Coming Soon....Grade 5-6 Info

Welcome to our "Cottage" where we are up for S'More learning this year!

Watch our class blog for updates about what we are learning and pictures of our projects and our work.